CESQ Headlines

CESQ Headlines

A hub for cutting edge research at the interface of quantum physics, chemistry, materials, photonics and computing in our brand new campus located in Strasbourg, France. Find here the latest news, information of upcoming events and open job opportunities.

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High-fidelity gates towards error correction with neutral atoms

High-fidelity gates towards error correction with neutral atoms

Researchers at CESQ, Princeton and Yale have achieved the demonstration of high-fidelity one- and two-qubit gates with neutral ytterbium atoms, and of a way to identify when errors occur in quantum computers more easily than ever before. The family of two-qubit gates has been invented by Sven Jandura and Guido Pupillo at the CESQ within the Quantum Flagship project EuRyQa and the MSCA project “MOQS – Molecular quantum simulations”. Qubits are encoded into metastable states of the atoms, which facilitates the detection of errors in mid-circuit measurements and their conversion into erasure errors that are easier to deal with in the context of fault-tolerant quantum computing. The results were published in Nature. These gates have also been realized in a recent experiment with rubidium atoms at Harvard, achieving a record 99.5% fidelity.   READ THE PAPER


Quantum Computing for Chemistry

Quantum Computing for Chemistry

Registrations are now open for the second edition of the training Quantum Computing for Chemistry co-organised by the University of Strasbourg (CESQ) and Qunasys. The training is open to anyone from industry, academia and students interested in quantum computing. For more information, please visit https://q4chem.eu/


CESQ inauguration, Oct. 16-17

The new CESQ building will be inaugurated on Oct. 16-17. Stay tuned for a scientific program!
