CESQ Quantum Hackathon
On Thursday and Friday, March 6-7th, as part of the Quantum Week program, CESQ will host a 30 hours Quantum Hackathon organized by PhD students of the institute together with QPerfect. The event is open to up to 25 participants from Master and PhD programs having knowledge in quantum technologies and programming. Grouped in teams, participants will use MIMIQ, one of the most powerful quantum computer emulators, to put their hands on quantum-related problems of practical near-term industrial utility. A special prize will be awarded to the winning team. A more detailed list of projects proposed during the Hackathon will be provided in the next weeks.
Participation to the Hackathon is free. Accommodation and meals will be offered during the event. Traveling expenses are not covered.
Registrations open on January 22th and close on February 10th February 17th (extended)
Venue & Accommodation
- Accommodation can be provided from Wednesday 5th to Saturday 8th of March
- The hotel rooms are twin studios. The room will be separated by gender. If you wish to share a room with a specific person, you will be able to tell us via the registration form
- Lunch, dinner, coffee breaks (and a pizza party!) are covered for Thursday 6th and Friday 7th
- The institute is located out of the city center (25 minutes by bus). 4 transport tickets will be given so you can commute during the event
Address of the hotel: City Résidence Strasbourg, 1 Rue des Magasins, 67000 Strasbourg
Address of the institute: 23 Rue du Loess, 67200 Strasbourg
General schedule
- Thursday March 6th: Arrival at the CNRS entrance gate at 8:45 – Leaving CESQ for the hotel at 19:45 after a pizza party.
- Thursday March 6th night: open space available to work in the hotel from 22:00 to 6:00 the day after.
- Friday March 7th: Arrival at CESQ at 9:00 – Award ceremony at 17:30 – open buffet until 19:45.

QPerfect is a pioneering quantum computing start-up based in Strasbourg, France. Launched in 2023 as a spin-off from CESQ (University of Strasbourg) and CNRS, QPerfect works on the design, emulation and optimization of quantum computers and many-body systems using cutting-edge tensor network techniques. QPerfect’s virtual quantum computer, the quantum emulator MIMIQ, is already revolutionizing the field by enabling large-scale simulations of quantum computing systems and executions of quantum algorithms on up to thousands of physical qubits.
During the CESQ Quantum Hackathon, participants will be given full on-cloud access to MIMIQ to tackle their problems and present their final project. A complete documentation of MIMIQ can be found at: https://docs.qperfect.io/mimiqcircuits-python/ (Python) and https://docs.qperfect.io/MimiqCircuits.jl/stable/ (Julia).

- Can I build a team before the event starts? Yes, in the registration form you will be given the opportunity to specify the name of the people you want to work with. However, every member of your team has to register and fill out the registration form by writing the same team members names.
- Do I have to build a team to participate in the event? No, you can register without having a team, they will be formed at the beginning of the event once the projects are presented
- Can I work on one project alone? Yes, if there is a free project and you are the only one to be interested in tackling it, you may work alone on it with your mentor.
- Will there be vegetarian options for lunch/dinner? Yes, you can specify any dietary preferences/restrictions in the registration form.
- What do I need to bring for the event? Your laptop, on which the MIMIQ emulator will be installed, pen, papers, and your motivation to work on an exciting project for 30 hours!
- Does my computer need to meet some requirements to run MIMIQ? No, the emulator is run on a cloud server, so any computer can run quantum algorithms on MIMIQ.
If you have any questions or need more information, do not hesitate to write us an email:
Clément Gradziel (PhD student): cgradziel@unistra.fr
Laura Pecorari (PhD student): lpecorari@unistra.fr

Financial supports
- This project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme under the grant agreement N°101084035
- This project benefited from State support managed by the National Research Agency under the France 2030 programme, reference ANR-22-CMAS-0001