Quantum Week 2025!
The European Center for Quantum Sciences in Strasbourg is hosting an electrifying week-long celebration from March 3-7, 2025, as part of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.

For more information please visit the Quantum Week 2025 page.
Or see the individual event programs:
Day 1: Quantum Week Opening and Launch of UpQuantVal
Day 2: Inauguration of the Maison du Quantique Grand Est
Day 3: Public open day and exhibition
Day 4: Quantum Industry Day “Discover Quantum”
Day 4&5: Quantum Hackathon with CESQ and QPerfect
Research Areas
News & Highlights
New doctoral network on polaritonics and light-matter hybrid systems – positions available
On 9-10th January, a new Marie Skłodowska-Curie doctoral network has kicked off: SPARKLE is a cutting-edge European research initiative with the aim of exploring polaritonics and light-matter hybrid systems. The project brings together 13 leading experts in theory and experimentation from 10 different institutions across Europe. SPARKLE integrates theoretical and experimental approaches to light-matter interactions, focusing on quantum material modeling, probing light-dressed properties experimentally, advancing spectroscopy techniques, and designing customized light sources. Beyond its scientific mission, the goal of SPARKLE is training 14 early-career researchers through an interdisciplinary curriculum spanning theoretical solid-state physics, ab initio material simulations, photonic engineering, and ultrafast spectroscopy. The participants will also gain entrepreneurial and management skills. In Strasbourg, we will be focusing on developing theory models to study how strong light-matter interactions can affect charge transport in semiconductors embedded in THz cavities. If you are interested in a PhD position, please contact Prof. Guido Pupillo (CESQ) or Dr. David Hagenmuller (IPCMS). To be eligible, the PhD candidate must not have spent the last 12 months in France. Check https://www.sparkle-dn.eu/ or https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/288222 for more details.
Quantum Week 2025 at CESQ
The next Colloquium will be on 26/11 at 3PM, CESQ Seminar Room: Superradiance and ultra-strong coupling with quantum plasmons by Angela Vasanelli and Carlo Sirtori, Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (dowload abstract)
CESQ Colloquium by Anna Minguzzi on 17/12
The next Colloquium will be on 26/11 at 3PM, CESQ Seminar Room: Superradiance and ultra-strong coupling with quantum plasmons by Angela Vasanelli and Carlo Sirtori, Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (dowload abstract)
Johannes Schachenmayer wins ERC Consolidator Grant
The next Colloquium will be on 26/11 at 3PM, CESQ Seminar Room: Superradiance and ultra-strong coupling with quantum plasmons by Angela Vasanelli and Carlo Sirtori, Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (dowload abstract)
CESQ Colloquium by Angela Vasanelli and Carlo Sirtori on 26/11
The next Colloquium will be on 26/11 at 3PM, CESQ Seminar Room: Superradiance and ultra-strong coupling with quantum plasmons by Angela Vasanelli and Carlo Sirtori, Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (dowload abstract)